"The Luckiest Guy in the World provides a master class for what authentic public service should look like. Bob Abrams, and his vision of public service, is a tonic for our nation and a reminder of the importance of authentic leadership. His central legacy in a lifelong career in public service is the invention of the role of the modern State Attorney General. Under Abrams’s leadership, the New York AG’s Office became a force for change and a model for the nation. Abrams’s leadership at the National Association of Attorneys General, and the power of his vision and character, spearheaded the impact of ‘multi-state’ actions. Leaders like Bob Abrams don’t come along often."

Attorney General of Colorado, former Dean of the University of Colorado Law School

“Robert Abrams’s absorbing memoir is a fascinating journey through the public life of a remarkable elected official. Abrams created an enduring public law office that has fought tirelessly for the rule of law for all Americans who now live better lives because of its unending pursuit of justice. The voice of Robert Abrams contained in this book should be read and understood by public leaders everywhere.”
Director of Attorney General Clinic at Harvard Law School
“In his memoir, Bob Abrams beautifully describes his immigrant roots, his working class neighborhood, and we become totally engaged in the arc that leads him into public life. For those interested in the workings of government, it provides a front row seat to experience some of the most important political events in New York. This is a good read not just because it chronicles the fascinating life of one of New York’s most accomplished public servants, but because it is the story of someone who never stopped trying to use government to make life better for ordinary people.”

Former Secretary of State of New York

“Here is a story of American politics at its best, democracy in action, told through the real-life experience of Robert Abrams. In one compact, delightful read Abrams takes us from the city streets of the Bronx to the chambers of state government in Albany, to the great halls of Moscow and the storied city of Jerusalem. Here is how one talented, dedicated individual immersed his life in American politics and the legal profession to positively impact all of our lives. READ THIS BOOK!”
Former Attorney General of Minnesota
“During my tenure as a Republican Attorney General from Kansas, Bob Abrams was a leading force for legal and legislative initiatives and took steps to unite State Attorneys General across the country. This book demonstrates that the rule of law resulting in justice should be the goal of all public servants.”

Former Attorney General of Kansas

“Anyone affiliated with government or politics is fortunate that Bob Abrams has written The Luckiest Guy in the World. It is a blueprint on entering, surviving, and thriving in public service with class and dignity. It is authentic without arrogance, truthful, and revealing. Abrams’s passion, compassion, and conviction emerge while portraying public service as an honorable profession.”
Former member of the New York State Assembly (Harlem)
“This book is a terrific read. Bob Abrams exemplified the best of his generation … Bob stood with the AIDS community and fought tirelessly against discrimination while taking an instructive role in overturning the state’s and nation’s sodomy laws … He was part of a group of elected officials who put their commitment to civil rights up front, risking the hateful backlash from our opponents … His unequivocal early support of gay rights will always be an important and indelible part of the LGBTQ movement’s history … His book serves as a lesson and reminder of how progressives help shape the world for the better.”

Co-Author and Chief Lobbyist of the nation’s first Gay Rights Bill

“Your memoir is full of so much history. You’ve been a loyal, dedicated, hard-working public servant who served the people of the Bronx so well for many years. I am grateful and honored to have shared your journey and walked the walk with you. Your hard work, commitment, and fight for Justice made a difference and brought about change and renewal! Bravo! Excellent and inspiring—a must-read.”
St. Athanasius Church, South Bronx
“The Luckiest Guy in the World is an inspirational glimpse of a man who is dedicated to doing the right thing for causes and principles that he deeply cares about. I found each chapter fascinating. Among Bob Abrams’s important contributions to the public good, he displayed extraordinary leadership in bringing the Jewish and the Latter-day Saints communities closer together, respecting each other’s common humanity. A reflection of his upbringing and life of service, he has a gift for uniting people. He stands with courage and determination whether it is in the world of politics, justice for humanity, faith, or family.”

Director of Interfaith Relations (Retired), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“This remarkable book is the story of how a man can co-mingle the joys and responsibilities of marriage and family life with the excitement and challenges of politics. It is also the story of how a political leader can hew unswervingly to an ethical standard yet also make a difference in the world, be a cosmopolitan man yet also affirm his particularist faith community. There are many practical lessons here: great organizational guidelines for administering a public office, how to help the downtrodden without abandoning the entire collective, and how to take the values of beloved parents and carry them through life. Add to all of this Abrams’s masterful storytelling abilities and sense of humor, including the ability to laugh at himself— and you have a great read.”
Author of On Women and Judaism: A View from Tradition
“Bob Abrams has pursued a more just world. Proudly a public servant, he was unafraid to challenge the status quo while keeping the interests of everyday New Yorkers always front and center. He pioneered the way for State Attorneys General to hold corporations and government agencies accountable, a legacy from which we continue to benefit. Abrams’s talent for storytelling and his zest for the work shine through every page. If you read the first few pages, you will be propelled to the end.”

President, Fund for the City of New York

“You don’t have to be a New Yorker to appreciate Bob Abrams’s career, which repeatedly demonstrated leadership, grit, perseverance, integrity, and capacity to stand up and do the right thing. As the former executive director of the National Association of Attorneys General with more than twenty-five years of work with Attorneys General, I got to know them all up close. Bob is a standout. Through his creative initiatives, he strengthened the role of Attorney General and provided the blueprint for the modern public lawyer office. Bob’s story is a refreshing profile in courage, demonstrating commitment to principle … an especially worthwhile read in today’s hyper-politicized times.”
Former Executive Director, National Association of Attorneys General
“The Luckiest Guy in the World, beautifully written by one of the most powerful and visionary state attorneys general of our time, is a fascinating primer about the true stories and intrigue behind the scenes of many of our country’s major political and legal battles over several decades. Former New York Attorney General Robert Abrams has given us both a rare glimpse into the world of politics, the legal profession, and public service, as well as his personal example of good citizenship.”

Former Attorney General of Iowa

“This book is compulsively readable. Bob Abrams might well be the greatest raconteur I know. Abrams’s writing draws the reader in … the reader feels like a fly on the wall. All along the way, Abrams gives us deep insight into how government works.”
New York Times bestselling author
“I’ve admired Bob Abrams for many years. Reading his spirited and inspiring memoir has increased that admiration. He’s one of New York’s great warriors.”
Former Governor of New York

“This book should be required reading. It’s the model of how to be a good politician, a good citizen, and a good human being. It’s an enthralling personal and political memoir. It is a story of courage and political adventures by a man who believes all people are created equal, and is willing to stand up for minorities in their struggle for justice. Abrams’s DNA wouldn’t let him settle for anything less than fighting for truth, freedom and justice regardless of the personal or political consequences he might suffer … The Luckiest Guy in the World is a fascinating must-read memoir, one that will stand the test of time.”
Former Governor of Alabama
“The Luckiest Guy in the World is a classic tale of a Bronx boy who did good! Abrams’s life of public service is a reminder to us all that it does matter who holds public office. In today’s political zeitgeist, where progressives search for champions on issues such as human rights, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, immigration reform, combating corporate greed, and supporting Black and Latino candidates, Abrams’s story makes it clear that he was a man ahead of his time. I strongly recommend that you treat yourself and give it a read.”

Bronx Borough President

“Bob Abrams’s journey in politics was not only New York’s journey, but America’s. New York’s resources were our country’s resources. Bob also shared his wisdom and led by example. A good read, and the photos are priceless.”
Former Attorney General of Nevada
“Bob Abrams was blazing a trail on acid rain issues, on toxic exposure issues, on cleaning up Love Canal, cleaning up rivers, protecting the Adirondack Park … He was about twenty years ahead of his time.”
Former Regional Administrator of Region 2 of the US Environmental Protection Agency; Visiting Professor and Senior Fellow at Bennington College

“Thanks to Bob Abrams for wanting to let his grandchildren know about his career. He has written a book that reminds us all that politics can be a noble profession, that it is possible to use an incisive knowledge of the law and a commitment to equity to make a difference for the general public. Abrams emerges—in the book and in real life—as an elected official who worked on our behalf, took risks, stood up for what he believed, challenged power, and was able to retire with distinction to continue working for the public good.”
Global Ambassador, American Jewish World Service
“As a staunch supporter and defender of a woman’s right to choose and the rights of the LGBTQ community, with this engaging and well-written memoir, Bob Abrams secures his place in American politics as a progressive pioneer.”
Member of the New York State Assembly (first openly LGBT member of New York State Legislature)

“I met Bob Abrams shortly after becoming the District of Columbia’s first elected Attorney General. I was looking for guidance, and found a mentor. Bob provided me with the blueprint for success: ‘Treat everyone with kindness, decency, and respect. Use the law to make your jurisdiction and our country more fair and just for all regardless of class, race, gender or religion.’ There is much for tomorrow’s leaders to learn from this book, including how immense humility, love of family, and love of God can be the driving forces of a successful life and career in public service.”
Attorney General of the District of Columbia
“Bob Abrams uses his memoir as a joyful bully pulpit … He celebrates pride in public service with a plea for its restoration, so the Nation might soon again feel young, hopeful, and idealistic anew.”
Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals (Retired); Dean and Professor, St. Johns University School of Law (Retired)

“Bob Abrams has chosen exactly the right time to publish his memoir. Abrams’s passion for civic life and his commitment to democratic values reminds us all what it means to serve in the public interest. There are challenges and disappointments in Abrams political journey, but there are also great policy successes, extraordinary experiences, and real joy. This is a book that should be taught in every Intro American government course. Abrams tells an inspirational story that is just what we need to be reading now.”
Professor of Public Affairs and Political Science, and Director, Urban and Social Policy Program, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
“A vibrantly written book, which not only sheds new light on Bob Abrams’s most important precedent-setting cases, but also beautifully and movingly captures the energy and creativity generated by one man’s democratic spirit engaging fully with the democratic tenets of this country. The voice in this book is immediate and human, infused with a belief in the law and its capacity for bettering peoples’ lives.”

Whiting Award–winning playwright; author, At the Damascus Gate: Short Hallucinations

“Buy this book! Give it to your kids who don’t want to get into government and politics … Abrams fought through the cruelty of machine politics and beat the bosses. His only special interest was the elderly, the disabled, and everybody who needed help. He built the best public legal office in the country. He had one more fight that he wasn’t supposed to win—a very bad cancerous tumor which weighed twenty-five pounds. He told his daughter on the way into surgery, ‘I’ll dance at your wedding,’ and he did.”
Former Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General of Illinois
“Bob Abrams’s stories of his journey in politics make for wonderful reading. Anyone will be able to enjoy these stories, but lawyers especially will not be able to put this book down.”
Former Attorney General of Oklahoma

“This exceptional memoir reminds us that a true leader must embody intelligence, integrity, and independence. In a world desperately seeking role models, New Yorkers and those around the country were the luckiest people to have, in Attorney General Robert Abrams, someone who demonstrated these special qualities.”
Executive Vice President, New York Board of Rabbis
“Bob Abrams offers an inside view from his decades at the eye of the storm in New York’s politics, from the ferment of the 1960s to the turmoil of the Trump era. This fascinating book traces his leadership in reform and progressive politics and what it’s like to campaign against larger-than-life figures like Geraldine Ferraro, Al Sharpton, Al D’Amato, and Elizabeth Holtzman all in one election!”

Member of the New York State Assembly

"Lifetime public servant, Bob Abrams has penned an engaging memoir that documents his career battling against powerful foes in protection of the environment, women’s access to reproductive health care, and the civil rights of New Yorkers. Inspiring and relevant, this book gives us hope during these challenging times that vital victories can always be achieved."
David N. Dinkins
Former Mayor, City of New York
"I loved this book. If you have lost hope that politicians can ethically serve the people and still get amazing things done, read The Luckiest Guy in the World. An engrossing account of New York and national politics told by a smart, funny, and decent guy. A must read for anyone who cares about the future of our country, especially young people thinking about a career in politics."

United States Senator, North Dakota

"When Bob Abrams was Attorney General of New York, he was a role model and mentor for others like me. In this book Bob provides an antidote to the toxic and tawdry politics of our time. His public service was always civil, thoughtful, and principled. This very readable and enjoyable book shows how one good person can make a great difference in our society."
Former United States Senator, Connecticut
"I have been a big Bob Abrams fan since he became my Borough President, back in the Bronx in 1970. A progressive tsunami, he helped wash out the old local hacks. This sea change continued into his four terms as New York State Attorney General as well.
At a time when so many of us, particularly our young, have lost all respect for politics in our country this is an inspiring book.
Bob narrates his life without pretense, in his native New Yorkese, with never a dull moment. You are cheering for this good guy in all his attempts to make things right. And he delivers. His political presence has been a boon to people of color, to women, to the disenfranchised and anyone else not born to entitlement."

Author of The Yuppie Handbook and the Nina Fischman mystery series

"For twenty-eight years Bob Abrams was at the center of city and state issues. Abrams consistently took strong stands and when he retired it was with honor, dignity and respect. It is all here in this engaging and revealing memoir. If you are interested in New York, it is a must read."
Professor Emeritus, Columbia University
"At a time when people yearn for integrity, compassion, and good judgment in public office, longtime New York Attorney General Bob Abrams’s story will inspire. His handling of controversies has made Bob Abrams a model of courage for public officials across the country. If Bob Abrams feels he’s the ‘luckiest guy the world,’ I say, the world is truly lucky to have him in it! This book will have a treasured place in my library."

Governor of Maine

"Bob Abrams has as many good stories from his life of public service as he does accomplishments, which is no small thing. From taking on the party machine to fighting for civil rights, Bob always led with the values that we need more of in government: integrity, decency, and courage. He may be lucky, but we the people are luckier still.”
Former Mayor, City of New York
"Robert Abrams' career in government is a model of public service. In this entertaining and inspiring memoir, he provides great insight into that exemplary career and into the arc of his remarkable life. The picture that emerges is of a man committed to working to make people's lives better, and to doing so while setting and meeting the highest standards of integrity and excellence."

Dean, New York University School of Law